Collaboration through our Members

Collaboration through our Committees

HR Leaders Community

The HR Leaders Community meets every quarter to share best practices, hear of progress across the industry, and co-create tangible solutions

Data & Insights Committee

The remit of this forum is to assess and benchmark the data underpinning the diversity challenges within organisations, specifically defining useful data around talent pools and pipelines and defining a dashboard of metrics that will generate relevant insight. 

Race & Ethnicity Committee

The R&E Committee is focused on raising awareness around race and ethnicity, bringing it to the forefront of the diversity and inclusion agenda. 

Accessibility Committee

The purpose of this Committee is to create awareness and education around the challenges faced by those employees and customers who identify as having a disability, either visible or invisible, and devise tangible actions to tackle those challenges which can be implemented across all organisations. 

The Committee is aimed at anybody who has an interest in the topic of disability, neurodiversity and accessibility. 

Employee Network Groups Committee

The purpose of this Committee is to give Employee Network Group Chairs and Co-Chairs the opportunity to collaborate and share best practice in order to make their Groups even more impactful. It is also a chance for those interested in creating ENGs within their organisations to ask questions and learn from others in the community.

Committee Meetings 2022

7th September: Data & Insights Group meeting

8th September: HR Leaders Community meeting

15th September: Race & Ethnicity Committee meeting

For Committee Members Only

For further information or if you’re interested in joining any of our committees, email us. 

(Please consult with your HR Team before putting forward your nomination to join the committees.)